Building Forecasts
Quarterly Economic Monitor
Regional Construction Outlook
Regional Skills Outlook
Sector Profile
Te Matapae
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Monthly newsletterWed 31 Jul 2024
Our monthly newsletter with insights and opinions from our team on the New Zealand economy and what's making news. Find out more

Quarterly Economic Monitor - Reference Quarter June 2024Thu 22 Aug 2024
Your economic development strategy is likely to contain key performance indicators against which you will measure the future performance of your region’s economy. The QEM will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators. The ranking infographic included in the web framework shows which indicators your region ranks highly in and which it ranks poorly in. Decision makers in local government require accurate and easily understood economic information about your district or region to help you plan for regional economic growth. The Quarterly Economic Monitor enables you to keep your finger on the economic pulse of your local area. Find out more

Sector Profile forecasts update - AugustFri 30 Aug 2024Fri 30 Aug 2024
Sector Profiles forecast updates. Our forecasts in the Sector Profiles are updated twice a year: in January and August. Our Sector Profiles provide you with deep evidence-based insights into the sectors of the economy that are important to you. Sector Profiles include five year forecasts of employment. Find out more

Building Forecasts - October 2024Fri 18 Oct 2024
Infometrics' Building Forecasts have long been the first port of call for decision-makers and analysts with an interest in the outlook for the construction sector. Our suite of web-based products give you a greater depth of information and a fresh look that brings the data to life. Find out more

Regional Construction Outlook - October 2024Fri 18 Oct 2024
Our Regional Construction Outlook (RCO) draws on our well-regarded national building forecasts to estimate construction activity within Regional Council Areas, Territorial Authorities and Auckland Wards. Find out more

Transport Forecasts - October 2024Fri 18 Oct 2024
Infometrics' Transport Forecasts have long been the first port of call for decision-makers and analysts with an interest in the outlook for the transport sector. Our economists help businesses and public organisations understand how key trends in economic, financial, and industry-specific indicators are shaping the risks and opportunities afforded to organisations operating in the broader transport sector. Find out more

Quarterly Economic Monitor - Reference Quarter September 2024Thu 21 Nov 2024
Your economic development strategy is likely to contain key performance indicators against which you will measure the future performance of your region’s economy. The QEM will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators. The ranking infographic included in the web framework shows which indicators your region ranks highly in and which it ranks poorly in. Decision makers in local government require accurate and easily understood economic information about your district or region to help you plan for regional economic growth. The Quarterly Economic Monitor enables you to keep your finger on the economic pulse of your local area. Find out more

Sector Profile forecasts update - JanuaryFri 31 Jan 2025Fri 31 Jan 2025
Sector Profiles forecast updates. Our forecasts in the Sector Profiles are updated twice a year: in January and August. Our Sector Profiles provide you with deep evidence-based insights into the sectors of the economy that are important to you. Sector Profiles include five year forecasts of employment. Find out more