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Why use us?
Better informed

Our economic intelligence and forecasting services help you make better informed decisions.

With a thorough understanding of the policy-making process, the economic impact of policy decisions, and how economic factors affect business, we can help you understand the economic context of your decisions.

We collate and analyse a broad range of economic data to give us an in-depth understanding of how the New Zealand economy is performing. We develop modelling techniques to fill gaps in the historical data, and we maintain a number of econometric models that forecast a wide range of macroeconomic, regional and sector trends including Gross Domestic Product, employment, migration, population, prices, construction sector activity, and vehicle registrations.

Independent and trusted

For over 40 years, Infometrics has built a reputation as an independent, trusted advisor to central and local government, the tertiary education sector, private sector firms, and the media on how the New Zealand economy is performing. We are Kiwi-owned and have no agenda in protecting any interest groups or sectors.

A range of products to meet your needs

Infometrics specialises in the delivery and visualisation of economic data and intelligence. We make it easily accessible and understandable through our interactive, web-based, data dashboards and infographics - all of which have been extensively road tested by clients. Using cutting-edge technology, our dashboards are continually updated to incorporate the latest data. Leave the data collection, validation and visualisation to us so you can concentrate on making well-informed planning, policy, and strategic decisions.

For further information about our subscription products, click here.

We also carry out tailored research and consulting services on a wide range of issues pertaining to the NZ economy, its regions and sectors.

All our products are supplemented by continuous analysis of data as it is released, as well as commentary on trends and issues that influence the economic outlook.

We also offer presentations, seminars and webinars on the economic issues of the day. Consider us for your next planning session or business breakfast.

A wrap-around service

Whether it’s a subscription to one of our dashboards, or a one-off consultancy project, our economists are will work closely with you to explain how you can get the most out of our products, and tease out the insights you need from the data.

Economics put simply

We won’t dazzle you with jargon or technical details. Our communication is straightforward and direct.