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Infometrics economists help decision makers and analysts understand the economic environment facing their organisation, sector, or region.
We don’t pretend to know the future, but we can help to shed light on the balance of economic opportunities and risks in the New Zealand economy and beyond. A clear understanding of your external environment can help you make better business decisions.

Many organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver superior results while spending less money. We can offer you better access to information that you don’t have to source yourself, giving your staff the opportunity to concentrate on analysis. We understand that each region of New Zealand is different and facing unique challenges. And within regions each Territorial Authority has its own unique economic character.
Infometrics have invested considerable resources into developing a robust time series of GDP, employment and other relevant indicators for each territorial authority and region in New Zealand. Our suite of regional NZ economic products and services, which leverage off this data, can help your organisation make better informed decisions.

Does your team require specialist economic and New Zealand industry or sector knowledge? Infometrics has developed web-based reporting tools that provide a comprehensive source of data about your industry or sector. Our economists work closely with government, local authorities, tertiary education organisations, and industry associations to ensure they have the robust information needed to create better policies and business decisions.
Infometrics understands your information needs. We are experts in NZ economic modelling and analysis. We understand that collecting and analysing the data required to really understand the complexities of your sector can be time consuming and sometimes unreliable, leaving you with little time to focus on what you are good at.

Māori Economic Insights
Not having the right data is frustrating.
We’re here to help. Infometrics has developed a range on insights into the Māori economy with a focus on employment, the wider labour market, and skilled jobs. Our insights are available at a regional and territorial authority level. We make sure your team has all the right data to help you make evidence-based decisions and that everyone in your team has access to the same detailed information of your region or sector’s workforce and contribution to the economy.
We develop tools and products to help you use data to inform your strategic planning processes, and help you present it in a way that is easily disseminated in planning meetings, presentations and board meetings. Use our products for planning and workforce development, to inform members or support advocacy and lobbying.

Export Trade
Infometrics can assist a variety of organisations to identify new export markets. Our new product, Export Market Finder, is a tool for identifying realistic export opportunities for New Zealand products. It helps organisations grow their exports by focussing on which countries offer the most untapped potential and works at a fine level of product detail.

Infometrics is an independent economic consultancy trusted by central and local government agencies, tertiary education organisations, industry organisations, and businesses across a range of industries for our impartial and robust economic analysis and insights. For almost 40 years we have provided hundreds of clients with analysis of New Zealand industries, its regions, and the broader economy. We offer bespoke economic consulting to meet your needs including:
- customised forecasts specific to your needs
- bespoke population projections
- economic impact analysis
- environmental scans
- workforce analysis including skills supply and demand, demographic trends, and other megatrends
- socioeconomic profiles and analysis of community wellbeing
- sector-specific analysis including the construction sector, healthcare, transport, retail, and tourism
- rates affordability and cost escalation analysis for local council long-term planning
- regional business attractiveness analysis
- regional housing affordability analysis
- regional and sector productivity analysis
- survey research including designing, administering and analysing online surveys of your stakeholders or target groups
Infometrics economists have expertise in a variety of quantitative tools that can be applied to analytical problems such as principal component and regression techniques, structural time series analysis, general equilibrium modelling, microsimulation modelling and input-output analysis. Models are chosen and tailored to the research question being addressed. The economic models we use for consulting services build on, and are consistent with, the regional and national economic and labour market data provided to subscribers of our regional, sector, population, and forecasting products.
Our research findings can be presented to you in a variety of formats from traditional reports, presented in straightforward language, to customised web-based interactive dashboards, and engaging presentations, workshops or seminars. Come to us with your most challenging questions and we will explore ways to find evidence-based answers.
All our consultancy projects are overseen by our Principal Consultant, Rob Heyes, who ensures that every project is completed on time and to budget. Every project begins with a succinct proposal that outlines what we are going to produce, how we will produce it, how we will work with you, how long it will take and how much it will cost. We don’t begin a project until you are happy with the proposal.