Many organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver superior results while spending less money. We can offer you better access to information that you don’t have to source yourself, giving your staff the opportunity to concentrate on analysis. We understand that each region of New Zealand is different and facing unique challenges. And within regions each Territorial Authority has its own unique economic character.
Infometrics have invested considerable resources into developing a robust time series of GDP, employment and other relevant indicators for each territorial authority and region in New Zealand. Our suite of regional NZ economic products and services, which leverage off this data, can help your organisation make better informed decisions.
What we offer
Infometrics has the most comprehensive repository of economic data for every territorial authority and region in New Zealand. We deliver this data through a series of web-based products which are dynamic and interactive.
Our products are web-based, which means they are both dynamic and interactive. There are also a number of economic tools behind the scenes that can give your staff deeper insights and answer ‘what if’ questions about your region.
Features & benefits
Infometrics web-based economic products take the presentation of regional economic data to a new level in New Zealand. From in-depth descriptions of your region or district’s economic structure to finger-on-the-pulse monitoring and analysis of local data each quarter, we have it covered.
Rigorous analysis using robust data
Infometrics' economists are leaders in the generation of regional NZ economic information. Our regional database brings together numerous sources of regional NZ economic information, as well as our own independent regional employment and GDP estimates, into a single database. This data provides detailed industry breakdowns and is coded to a territorial authority level (and sometimes finer). We draw on this comprehensive resource and present analysis that will complement local knowledge and contextualise your region within the national picture.
Cost-effective and innovative
Through the innovative use of technology, we speed up the preparation of reports at a very reasonable cost. Leave the data collection to us and let your staff concentrate on strategic issues. Handy infographics that you can automatically generate from our system are perfect for setting the scene at your next meeting.
Showcase your region to the world
Our web-based regional NZ economic products can easily be incorporated into your website. Many of our clients choose to open up access to their economic profiles and monitors as a service to potential investors and other stakeholders in their local economy. This can help improve the flow of reliable local economic information and debunk myths so businesses and other organisations can make evidence-based decisions.
A broad range of topics
Our regional NZ economic database covers a wide range of topics. We present detailed information on topics including: GDP, employment, business units, productivity, tourism, dairy, exports, standard of living, demographics, skills, and occupations. Our monitoring services also give users the ability to scratch beneath the service and follow issues such as: unemployment rates, migration, retail sales, guest nights, property and construction, traffic flows, and vehicle sales.
Easy-to-use tools
We have developed a 'Toolkit' as part of the Regional Economic Profile – this contains an expanding suite of tools that give your staff the ability to further interrogate and analyse data for your region or district. Toolkit subscribers can compare and rank themselves against any part of the country, create and download regional comparator maps, and get customised reports of self-defined industries. Other tools such as the events calculator save costs by allowing you to bring in house analysis that is typically procured from consultants.
How do I use it?
Our Regional Economic Profile and Quarterly Economic Monitor services are available on a subscription basis.
The products are web-based, meaning that subscribers can gain access wherever they are. The data is dynamic and interactive, with charts and reports available to be downloaded for further analysis.
Local authorities can choose to make parts of their region’s economic profile and quarterly monitor publicly available as a service to stakeholders and potential investors.
The Economic Profile contains a Toolkit that allows subscribers to dig deeper into a region’s economy and conduct some ‘what if’ analysis, as well as quickly analyse data and make informed decisions using an independent framework that leverages off a robust set of specific regional NZ economic data.
Infometrics profiles allow you to answer questions with confidence about your local economy. For example, considerable detail can quickly be gleaned on:
- GDP and employment growth
- How diverse is the economy relative to others?
- In which industries does your district/region have competitive advantage?
- How many businesses were created?
- What does tourism contribute to your economy and how has it grown?
- How fast has the population in your area grown?
Your economic development strategy or long term plan is likely to contain key performance indicators against which you will measure the future performance of your region’s economy. Our services will help you monitor the progress of your economy against these indicators.
Who is it for?
Infometrics Regional Service is used extensively by district and regional councils, economic development agencies, government departments, and corporates.
Our innovative web-based regional profiles and quarterly monitor have become the benchmark for understanding regional economies in New Zealand.
We take the leg work out of collecting regional NZ economic data and formulating base-line understandings of your region so that analysts in your organisation can focus more time on providing strategic advice on issues that matter.
Infometrics' handy infographics and frank economy seminars can also help set the agenda for your next meeting or workshop. We provide an independent and knowledgeable viewpoint on regional economies and how they are affected by the broader NZ economy.
Customer reviews

Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency
“Infometrics’ regional service has enabled us to improve our understanding of the Wellington economy markedly.
The on-line regional economic profile is an excellent, user friendly tool which allows easy access to both official data and Infometrics’ regional estimates as well as a range of indicators that Infometrics has derived allowing further in depth analysis and benchmarking.”
– Jeremy Harding, Economist, Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency

Enterprise North Canterbury
“Using Infometrics data has been extremely useful for Enterprise North Canterbury in both attracting new business to the region and helping current businesses in strategic planning. The key for us is the breadth of useful data all available in one place. The ability to compare trends to the wider region, to similar areas and to all of New Zealand is also useful.
As a result of using the economic monitoring service, I am able to go into meetings armed with the latest statistics and information. This is can be extremely helpful and is useful for reinforcing the knowledge that is held by our organisation.”
– Miles Dalton, Business Development Manager, Enterprise North Canterbury

Kaipara District Council
“I have been impressed by the products and services provided by Infometrics. I have valued Infometrics staff being available to answer questions about the data when these have arisen.
… Possibly the most useful product has been the Quarterly Economic Monitors which give “year to date” information. These easily feed into our quarterly reporting and give us a regular update on how our District’s economy is tracking.”
– Mark Schreurs, Policy Analyst, Kaipara District Council

South Waikato District Council
“Knowing the economic state of the district has always been key to making the best decisions for our community. Infometrics has provided information over the years that has meant our Council has and can continue to operate strategically when considering various projects and opportunities.
Infometrics products have always been relevant, user friendly and added significant value to our own research efforts.”
– Amanda Hema, GM Community, South Waikato District Council

Greater Wellington Regional Council
“Greater Wellington Regional Council has subscribed to the Infometrics regional profile and tools for the last 2 years. It is the initial go to source for our economic analysis, indicators and monitoring activities.
It has also allowed us to quickly deal with customised economic data and information requests from across the council. At a regional level the application of the regional profile and tool has resulted, to a large degree, in the consistent use of Infometrics’ economic data by councils in the region.”
– Wellington Regional Strategy Office, Greater Wellington Regional Council

Whanganui District Council
“I highly recommend the Infometrics online analysis tool . . .
The product is very easy to use and allows us to drill down to different levels of detail with ease. We found the feature which allows us to benchmark ourselves against other regions very useful.
The team at Infometrics are very responsive to queries and on numerous occasions have assisted to explain methodologies used . . .”
– Chris Heywood, Economic Development and Project Officer, Whanganui District Council

Hamilton City Council
“Infometrics’ regional products have given us a deep understanding of Hamilton’s economy. Being able to work from a consistent data source is very important for us. The products save us the hassle of collating multiple data sources which are often disparate. We are impressed by Infometrics’ commitment to continually expand and improve the product. We like the depth of information in the profiles. They enable us to drill down to detailed industry level.”
– Growth-Unit Manager, Hamilton City Council

A North Island Regional Council
“Annual Economic Profile and Quarterly Economic Monitor websites for our region are valuable tools to assess what is happening in our economy at both a broad high level and at an individual industry level, and understand how we compare with other regions/districts. The interactive features are easy to use, allowing us to compare changes over different time periods and in comparison with other regions. A positive feature is the ability to drill down from the 54 industry level to the 504 industry level. This allows us to define industries in multiple ways, in addition to the normal primary, secondary and tertiary classification. For example, it is good to combine dairy farming and dairy processing industries to get a total picture of the contribution of the sector to the economy. The Quarterly information is provided in a very timely manner.”
– Economist, North Island Regional Council

A prominent South Island Council
“The Infographics are great for information requests.
… The seminars have given us access to an Infometrics economist and a region specific presentation which is invaluable.
… I would recommend workshops for audiences in regional NZ who find it hard to get reliable, accurate and up to date info on their region.”
– Economic Development Manager, at a South Island Council