Community Profile
What are Community Profiles?

Community Profiles are a dynamic and interactive tool for understanding your local area at a high level, or diving deep into specific communities. The Community Profiles cover SA2s within every territorial authority and region of New Zealand. SA2 is a type of geographic region which is smaller than Territorial Authorities and has been designed to represent communities.

Based on Census data, Community Profiles provide a range of insights beyond simple population counts, enabling users to explore migration, cultural diversity, wellbeing, families, skills, income, work, transport and dwellings. Each topic can be viewed in charts and tables, and the underlying data can be downloaded into Excel.

How can Community Profiles be used?

Understanding the characteristics of your community can help local councils identify community needs, develop long-term strategic plans, and allocate financial resources to where they are needed most. Businesses in regional New Zealand can use the Community Profiles to help guide decision making processes such as choosing store locations.

How do I get access to Community Profiles?

The Community Profiles are available free to subscribers of our Regional Economic Profile. If you don’t have a Regional Economic Profile subscription, you can still subscribe to the Community Profiles. Contact Nick Brunsdon, one of our economists, by clicking on the link below or calling us on (04) 909 7612 and we will provide you with an annual subscription price. We will set up a user agreement and provide you with login access to community profiles. We don’t limit the number of people who can get login access to Community Profiles from within your organisation.