Economic & Labour Market Research
What is Economic & Labour Market Research?
Infometrics economists have a strong track record of applying a variety of analytical techniques such as econometric analysis, general equilibrium modelling and environmental scans to answering your questions about the labour market and economy. Our economists have undertaken a large number of projects for central and local government, as well as training organisations and education providers that delve deep into understanding the economic and labour market characteristics of various sectors and regions.
We use sophisticated data to answer complex questions. Infometrics has developed a regional and industrial database that is the most sophisticated in the market and our data has a number of points of difference over our competitors. Infometrics estimates industry employment and GDP at a fine level of disaggregation for all territorial authority areas on a quarterly basis. The estimates are based on the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset, which enables us to account for seasonal variation and self-employment. We have also developed methods for translating industry demand for labour into estimates of demand for qualifications by NZQA qualification level and field of study.
How can our economic and labour market research be used?
Our research is customised to answer your specific questions. Clients such as central and local government agencies, economic development agencies, industry associations, industry training organisations, and tertiary education providers use our research in their planning processes to better understand the current and future economic environment in which they are operating. Topics we have expertise in include (but are not limited to):
- Sector skill needs and skills supply analysis
- Labour market impacts of significant construction projects
- Policy costings
- Demographic projections for council Long Term Plans
- Economic impacts of COVID 19
- Economic impact assessments.
How can our economic and labour market research be accessed?
The results can be delivered to you in a variety of formats, including PDF reports and infographics, excel spreadsheets and interactive web-based dashboards. Infometrics’ economists can also present findings to you and your stakeholders or lead workshops to help your team further understand the analysis.