Regional Economic Profile
What is the Regional Economic Profile?
Infometrics’ online Regional Economic Profile (REP) provides an in-depth description of your region or district’s economic structure and performance over the past year and previous years. It combines a comprehensive, robust set of economic data with a dynamic and interactive web-based interface. The Regional Economic Profile covers a wide range of topics including GDP, employment, unemployment, productivity, standard of living, population, wellbeing, skills, businesses, and tourism.
Regional Economic Profiles are available for all territorial authorities and regions in New Zealand. The user can drill down to sub-territorial authority level and analyse trends in GDP, employment, businesses and population at the SA2 level. SA2 is a type of geographic region which is smaller than Territorial Authorities and has been designed to represent communities. The REP also enables you to analyse industries and occupations in your local economy to a very detailed level of disaggregation (500 industries and 900 occupations).
A Māori module in the Regional Economic Profile provides in-depth information about the position of Māori in regional labour markets.
How can the Regional Economic Profile be used?
The Regional Economic Profile enables you to answer questions about your region with confidence, and showcase your region to the world by giving you insights into:
- The economic performance of your local economy relative to other regional economies and the national average
- The largest industries in your region and which industries are growing the fastest in terms of both GDP and job creation
- Which occupations and qualifications have been growing in demand
- How economic activity is spread geographically around your region or territorial authority
- The contribution of tourism to your region’s economy
- Wellbeing in your region and compare it with other regions
- A Census module that allows you to explore Census data for all regions and territorial authorities in New Zealand.
All of the data is downloadable into Excel files. You can generate PDF reports containing insights and data visualisations, which make for great handouts at your next meeting.
How do I get access to the Regional Economic Profile?
The Regional Economic Profile is a subscription product. Contact Andrew Whiteford by clicking on the link below or calling us on (04) 909 7612 and we will provide you with a quote. Once set up we can quickly provide you with login access. There is no limit to the number of people who can get login access to the Regional Economic Profile from within your organisation.