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Workforce scanning and development is a key role that Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) undertake.  Skills Active Aotearoa, the ITO for the recreation, sport and exercise industries released a comprehensive Workforce Scan late last year.  The workforce scan was led by Maren Frerichs, General Manager of Industry Engagement at Skills Active.  Shaun Twaddle, Infometrics Director, had a chat with Maren to find out why they put together the workforce scan and how they went about it. Read

We enjoy getting feedback from our clients – their input informs our product development and how we deliver our products and services. Infometrics posed some questions to the Economic Development Manager at a prominent South Island Council – here are his answers.   Infometrics: What did you find as a result of buying Infometrics’ web-based profiles? … Read more South Island council gains regional insights Read

“Greater Wellington Regional Council has subscribed to the Infometrics regional profile and tools for the last 2 years. It is the initial go to source for our economic analysis, indicators and monitoring activities. It has also allowed us to quickly deal with customised economic data and information requests from across the council. At a regional … Read more Wellington RC makes use of Infometrics’ comprehensive economic data Read

“Infometrics’ regional products have given us a deep understanding of Hamilton’s economy. Being able to work from a consistent data source is very important for us. The products save us the hassle of collating multiple data sources which are often disparate. We are impressed by Infometrics’ commitment to continually expand and improve the product. We … Read more Making economic analysis easier for Hamilton Read

“Knowing the economic state of the district has always been key to making the best decisions for our community. Infometrics has provided information over the years that has meant our Council has and can continue to operate strategically when considering various projects and opportunities. Infometrics products have always been relevant, user friendly and added significant … Read more South Waikato uses Infometrics to make better decisions Read

“I highly recommend the Infometrics online analysis tool, initially when purchasing this product there was concern about the pricing but the value of the information and ongoing support from the team at Infometrics soon made it clear this was a value for money product and we have had good value. The product is very easy … Read more Wanganui can benchmark themselves against other regions Read

"I have been impressed by the products and services provided by Infometrics. I have valued Infometrics staff being available to answer questions about the data when these have arisen. My primary concern about purchasing this product was the cost and the extent to which it would be useful to my Council. Infometrics provides a wealth … Read more Kaipara values Infometrics’ input Read

“Using Infometrics data has been extremely useful for Enterprise North Canterbury in both attracting new business to the region and helping current businesses in strategic planning. The key for us is the breadth of useful data all available in one place. The ability to compare trends to the wider region, to similar areas and to all of … Read more Using Infometrics data has been extremely useful for Enterprise North Canterbury Read