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Domestic student university enrolments are reportedly down 3,000 this year compared with last year. Here, we examine why university enrolments might have fallen and whether they are likely to recover. Read


The Education Review Office (ERO) released a report recently which looked at why attendance rates are falling in New Zealand schools. Here, we dive into some of the detail around attendance and try to make sense of why it has been falling. Read

In Budget 2022, the Government announced that an Equity Index would replace the decile system for determining equity funding for schools. But will the new Equity Index help address disadvantage in our education system? Read

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Lily Stelling has recently joined the Infometrics Team as an Economic Assistant.  This month we sit down to chat with Lily about what she’s working on at Infometrics. Read

Our $5b international education sector is a New Zealand success story, and in recent years has become a poster child for our outward-looking, globally-connected economy. But the sector is facing a steep learning curve as it seeks to adapt to lower international student arrivals and a world that is struggling to contain the spread of a pandemic. Read

New data released by the Ministry of Education shows that 7,033 school leavers had no qualification in 2018, up 615 people from 2017. The percentage of school leavers without any qualification increased from 10.2% in 2017 to 11.2% in 2018. Delving into the data we found considerable differences between regions. Read

Māori education outcomes continue to lag behind other groups in New Zealand. This lower attainment highlights a need to change what we’re doing to ensure that Māori succeed in education. Increasing Māori education outcomes will not only unlock more opportunities but will also give New Zealand the skills to enable us to prosper. A focus on Māori education outcomes is even more important given the growth in Māori in the working age population over the next 10-20 years. Read

Education Minister Chris Hipkins recently appeared before the Education and Workforce select committee to face a barrage of schooling related questions, but with little focus on tertiary education. However, just before his appearance, tertiary education data for 2018 and updated tertiary education forecasts were released, casting some light on the tertiary sector. Read

Lifting the skills and opportunities available for Māori has been one of the key priority areas of the government’s Wellbeing Budget. Plenty has been written about the socio-economic, health and other challenges facing Māori over the past couple of decades, yet many of these interrelated issues remain. Read

Replacing retiring baby boomers will cause headaches for Northland employers over the coming decade, but a large cohort of young Māori represent a key labour market opportunity. Read