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Interest rates down

The New Zealand economy’s recovery from the stagnation of the last two years will remain patchy until mid-2025, according to Infometrics’ latest forecasts. Although the Reserve Bank’s interest rate cuts since August have finally provided some light at the end of the tunnel for Kiwis, continued increases in the unemployment rate will mean households remain cautious in their spending decisions over the next nine months. The high proportion of mortgage lending on fixed rates also means that the easing in monetary conditions will not have an immediate effect on household budgets. Read

Mood of the CFO Launch 2024

New findings from the first-of-its-kind survey of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) from across New Zealand shows a shift towards more people working from the office than a year ago, as New Zealand businesses work to establish what the ‘new normal’ for hybrid working looks like. Read


The pace of supplier cost increases to Foodstuffs supermarkets has remained static over the last two months, with the Infometrics-Foodstuffs New Zealand Grocery Supplier Cost Index (GSCI) showing an average 2.3% increase in what suppliers charged in September 2024, compared to a year earlier. Read


The pace of supplier cost increases continues to slow, with the Infometrics-Foodstuffs New Zealand Grocery Supplier Cost Index (GSCI) showing an average 2.3% increase in what suppliers charged Foodstuffs supermarkets for goods in August 2024, compared to a year earlier. Read

Mood of the CFO Launch 2024

Key findings from the first-of-its-kind survey of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) from across New Zealand shows a surprisingly strong outlook for growth in the year ahead, despite clear economic challenges, following on from a remarkably upbeat view of performance over the last year. Read

Light coming through the clouds over New Zealand

Weaker economic activity and falling employment are hitting regional economies, with the economic crunch deepening across the country, according to Infometrics’ latest monitoring of regional economies. Read

Infometrics 40th Celebration Collage

Leading economics consultancy Infometrics celebrates 40 years of operations in 2024, a milestone for a company that started during a time of upheaval in the New Zealand economy. Read


The moderation in supplier cost increases continues, with the Infometrics-Foodstuffs New Zealand Grocery Supplier Cost Index (GSCI) showing an average 2.4% increase in what suppliers charged Foodstuffs supermarkets for goods in July 2024, compared to a year earlier. Read

Queenstown from above - April 2023

New analysis by leading New Zealand economic consultancy Infometrics has found that the short-term rental accommodation (STRA) sector has a limited effect on rental prices and no significant effect on house prices across New Zealand’s major urban areas, with population and interest rates having the greatest influence on rents and house prices. Read

The New Zealand economy faces continued difficult conditions throughout the next 12 months according to Infometrics’ latest forecasts, with increased caution from businesses around investment and hiring in response to weakening demand. Reduced job and income security is becoming a major drag on cons... Read